Saturday, September 12, 2015

And we're off!

It's early Saturday morning and I'm enjoying a lovely cup of coffee in Boise, Idaho...and thinking of the roller coaster that has been Allan's and my life this past year! We applied to the Peace Corps, jumped through numerous medical and paperwork hoops, packed up forty years of married life, retired from jobs we loved, welcomed two new grand babies to join the three we've been enjoying for a few years, felt sad to realize that we won't be here to meet our next grandbaby due the end of September...and have just returned from our farewell tour, driving 4,383 miles to say goodbye to family and friends,as well as taking a quick trip(and a total of seven airplane rides) to say goodbye to family on Saint Croix!

And why, you may ask?? Next Thursday Allan and I head out on a most amazing adventure! We've been accepted to be Peace Corps volunteers in Macedonia! What will we be doing? Where will we be living? What is the food like and what language will you speak there? And you're there for two and a quarter years?? These are the most common questions we've been getting and I can assure you I wish I could answer them! So this blog will be my method of processing all the new experiences we'll be having and answering these I hope you'll follow along and share our adventures with us!

A shout out to all for all the love and support we've been'll never know how much we've appreciated it!


  1. You guys rock!! . . . Can't wait to hear of your adventures!

  2. You guys rock!! . . . Can't wait to hear of your adventures!

  3. So excited for you ...and looking forward to reading all about your experience. Bon Voyage!

  4. It is so fantastic, that you do it! We are looking forward to the next news.
    Gute Reise und viel Glück !

  5. So glad we will be able to follow your journey. Good luck and you will be in our thoughts and prayers.

  6. Kathy & Allen, Ken and I wish you safe and healthy journeys. So excited for both of you! Tallboys will be waiting upon your return. Oh yes, and Pizza by Robert!
