Wednesday, March 15, 2017


Hello again, this is Allan.  Just last week Kathy and I took advantage of some improving weather here in Gevgelia and took a walk through some farm fields near town.  Spring is a wonderful time here, the fruit trees begin to bloom, the fields are planted to onions, leeks, lettuce, and cabbage.  There is always a bumper crop of puppies, and street dogs get busy making the next batch.  Come along with us for a few minutes  on our walk . . . .

We took a windy walk down a farm road outside of town, past houses set behind walls,  and many small farms.   That is the town center with the Macedonian flag, looks like at least 20 mph wind.  In the front are grape vines  We do grapes really, really well here.

The road was wide enough for the small MAK tractors used here, and maybe us . . .  

Mt Kozuf in the distance, plenty of cold air still rolling down from the mountains
We came to a large, old maple tree.  Risto said 400 years which is just older than me.

You look through the hole in the tree, and look!  Grapes!
The grapes look back and look!  Allan!

We were told the tree had been struck by lighting that split it long ago.  Looks like one and one-half Kathy's wide.
A little further down the road, and look!

Curious goats

The goatherd, Risto from Radovich, loved his goats

And his goats loved him back

On the way back the grapes give way to puppies

Here is the runt, but he had the best blue eyes!

 Past old stone homes with expressive stone and masonry walls.  This is typical old structure, rock base, hand-made brick, wood spacers for a square line and expansion.  Repeat.  Roofs are tile.  Inside - cool all year 'round.
Finished off with a beautiful coffee at Apollonia.  Don't fight it, our coffee beats your coffee.  Al  

1 comment:

  1. Lovely post! I'm sure your coffee beats any in Debar! That last building picture reminds me of the old crumbling building that you see when you leave the bus station. The building that the storks nest on top of. I love that kind of building. Thanks for this!
